Friday, February 1, 2019

By His Choice

By His choice, before I was born,
He set me apart to honor His name.
Here I sit, writing poetry
To honor God in every word.
I’ve been blessed, to be a blessing

By His choice, Jesus lives in me,
Fragile, and easily crushed though I am.
As His “clay pot;” shaped by His love,
Although am weak, He chose me
To tell His story to others.

By His choice, I will trust in God
Within the everyday moments of life.
By name, I may be called “Christian;”
It is His choice that I love Him.
But, does that reflect my actions?

I thank my God with all my heart.
By His choice, I’m called to personal faith.
My response will be my changed life.
I know real change starts inwardly,
But is confirmed by behaviors.

Therefore, by my choice, I will love. 
I’ll serve the Lord by living for others.
I know I can, for God promised.
That by His choice, He’ll dwell within.
I’ll love Him forever. Amen!

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