Thursday, March 19, 2020


God’s promise depends on faith
And rests in Grace.
I need not understand this,
But must believe.
Details are less important
Than fact of transformation
My faith is strong
When I actively trust God.

God’s promise is given to us
As a free gift.
He’ll be with you in troubles.
“Faith” is the key!
God promises us He’ll answer
Whenever we call on Him.
Our faith is shown
When we actively trust God.

Monday, March 9, 2020

And Share My Faith

Help me to show how much I love,
Help me show my heart,
That you may see what I believe,
And share my faith through action.

May my “good deeds” then prove my love,
Bearing fruit for God.
May what I do reveal my heart,
And share my faith through action.