Sunday, January 24, 2016


It was an absolute gift
When You made me right with You.
Am I humble enough
To accept Your grace?
Or, do I complain
That I want even more?

When I see fears stalking me,
I know they’ll not really harm
If I cling to Your hand;
Keep my eyes on You.
Accepting Your ways,
Your Presence is promised.

I must control my own life,
Relinquishing all control.
In handing, freely, to God
False thoughts of control.
He offers guidance,
If I’ll but accept Him.

Thursday, January 14, 2016


“Amen” need not mean “I am done.”
“Amen” may be the beginning.
“Amen” may come at end of prayers,
Which then become time for actions.

“Amen, Amen, it shall be so…”
What is it I am “amen-ing”?
What action do You have for me
That I have not yet accomplished?