Monday, February 18, 2019

As Jesus

As Jesus gave Himself – completely,
Neither stinting, nor holding back,
So too are we to live our lives.
We share in the ministry of Christ
When we give ourselves to others
In their time of pain, of sorrows.

He taught as one with authority     *
Duh! He had the authority!
For He Himself was the Lord God.
We too can teach with authority,
For He gave us His commission
To teach the world of His good news.     **

*Mark 1:2

Friday, February 1, 2019

By His Choice

By His choice, before I was born,
He set me apart to honor His name.
Here I sit, writing poetry
To honor God in every word.
I’ve been blessed, to be a blessing

By His choice, Jesus lives in me,
Fragile, and easily crushed though I am.
As His “clay pot;” shaped by His love,
Although am weak, He chose me
To tell His story to others.

By His choice, I will trust in God
Within the everyday moments of life.
By name, I may be called “Christian;”
It is His choice that I love Him.
But, does that reflect my actions?

I thank my God with all my heart.
By His choice, I’m called to personal faith.
My response will be my changed life.
I know real change starts inwardly,
But is confirmed by behaviors.

Therefore, by my choice, I will love. 
I’ll serve the Lord by living for others.
I know I can, for God promised.
That by His choice, He’ll dwell within.
I’ll love Him forever. Amen!