Wednesday, July 15, 2015

A Baby’s Heart

Oh, to have a baby’s heart,
The trust of babies, knowing
Never despair,
Daddy is there,
And be secure in his arms.

Oh, to have a baby’s smile,
When he perceives his daddy.
When God Himself
Beckons us, “Come,”
Then, may He hear our giggles.

Oh, to know our Daddy’s voice
When He is speaking to us.
To feel, to know
The Father’s love;
To trust His love, forever!

Friday, July 3, 2015

It's Really True

Finally, Peter realized
It's really true,
The Lord sent His holy angel
To rescue him.
His chains released, he'd walked past guards
Out of the jail,
Into the streets. A dream no more,
'Twas truly real!

What did it take to realize
That God IS truth?
From prisons of my own design,
I've been released.
A dream no more, I'm free to love
This Lord, this Christ.
I'll live to serve, to love, to prove
That I am God's!