Tuesday, October 31, 2017


What causes a plant to grow?
            The light of the sun,
            The warmth of the earth,
            The sweetness of rain.
“Mother Nature” in action.

What helps a Christian to grow?
            The light of “I AM,”
            The warmth of His love,
            The rains of blessings.

Father, Son, and Spirit.

Friday, October 20, 2017


See His love through blessings
            of shades and hues He’s painted
            Of rosy cheeks, and sun-kissed hair,
            The smiles of love, or tears of joy.
Just look, and count the blessings.

Smell the sweet aromas
            Of blessings He has given;
            The fresh-baked cookies, and the breads,
            The smell of flowers in sun-drenched fields.
Just smell, and count the blessings.

Taste the sweet and spicy,
            The tang that adds their flavor.
            The strong, the mild, and in-between
            Each adding zest to every life.
Just taste, and count the blessings.

Touch, and feel the blessings,
            The arms of love that hold you,
            The cold of winter’s snow and ice,
            The warmth of sun, and summer’s breeze.
Just feel, and count the blessings.

Hear the sounds of blessings.
            The orchestra that’s playing,
            The leaves that flutter in the breeze,
            The holy singing of the choir.
Just hear, and count the blessings.

These blessings of the Lord
Are given to each person.
            Sometimes a circumstance removes
            A sense, but others will remain,

So smile, and count your blessings!