Saturday, May 26, 2018

Our Future

We who believe in God will ponder,
We will delight in God’s holy word.
No one can ever remove our faith,
Nor can they change our future.

Where knowledge may puff, love will build up.
We’ll be different when we admit sin;
When we resolve to change behaviors.
This, then can change our future.

Wisdom begins with awe in our Lord.
We who believe His ways, and His word
Shout out our “YES” and show Him our trust.
He then will change our future

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Another New Book

My latest book, SELAH< PAUSE AND REFLECT is now officially out!  WHOOPIE!! 

I'm none too sure how many more I have in me, but I do indeed feel VERY BLESSED to have had this many written, and published.

One more will be out "soon", and that one is titled An Overflowing Vessel.

MANY thanks to everyone who has purchased a book. All are available on  (-: