Thursday, December 27, 2018


For which I heartily apologize!

My husband broke his hip in early November,
and he is still not home.
But, SOON, we have been informed,
SOON he will be able to return!  

So, I ask for your prayers.
for patience, for healing, 
and for God to bless ALL of us, 
(which, of course includes you, yourself!)

Thank you for waiting, for continuing to check.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Boldly Proclaim

As weak as I am, He chose me—
That I would tell others of Him.
As a clay pot, I was fragile
And easily crushed by the world.
Yet, God within me, by His choice,
Granted me love, and His power,
Therefore, I will boldly proclaim,
“Jesus is LORD!  He is Savior!”

Saturday, September 8, 2018


Most fears are like vampires.
While with us, they will suck us dry,
Cause us to perish, take over our lives.
But, when the Son’s light shines on them,
They vanish with the darkness
And we are whole once again.
So, bask in the light of the Son,
Never allowing a fear to approach.
Never succumb to the power of dark,
 Find the light of His way in His word,
And let His light shine through you

Saturday, July 21, 2018

A Turned-On Believer

Be a “Turned-On Believer”
Then people might ask,
“What is that scent you are wearing?”
Being “Tuned in” to Jesus
Means people will see
Just what it means to be Christian.

Whether “tuned in” or “turned on”
Others may join you
When they see how much you have changed.
When you’re “easy” on others,
You’re acting like Christ.
How has God’s love seemed to change you?

When your love is apparent
You show you’re chosen
For purpose of service to all.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Armor of God

Part of God’s armor is the sword of the Spirit.
Why leave it at home, to rust in a corner?
Why hold a short dagger (few verses remembered),
When God offers us the sword of His Word,
Constructed to take all evil away?

When willingly taking all help you’re offered,
Each weapon God issued to help you succeed,
Then, when it’s all over, except for the shouting,
You’ll still be standing, praising the Father
For this sword, His Word, protecting from harm.

                              Ephesians 6:10-20

Thursday, June 14, 2018

The Mountain

That’s OK, God … I think I know the way.
I see that huge mountain ahead of us.
That path looks real easy… I’ll start out here.
But … where did it go? The path disappeared!
Was there an easier way to the top?
One down below that was hidden from me?
Or … wait … was that mountain even for me?
Stop laughing at me, Lord.  Here is my hand.
Please, will You lead me as I walk by faith?
When eyes remain on You, I’ll not stumble.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Our Future

We who believe in God will ponder,
We will delight in God’s holy word.
No one can ever remove our faith,
Nor can they change our future.

Where knowledge may puff, love will build up.
We’ll be different when we admit sin;
When we resolve to change behaviors.
This, then can change our future.

Wisdom begins with awe in our Lord.
We who believe His ways, and His word
Shout out our “YES” and show Him our trust.
He then will change our future

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Another New Book

My latest book, SELAH< PAUSE AND REFLECT is now officially out!  WHOOPIE!! 

I'm none too sure how many more I have in me, but I do indeed feel VERY BLESSED to have had this many written, and published.

One more will be out "soon", and that one is titled An Overflowing Vessel.

MANY thanks to everyone who has purchased a book. All are available on  (-:

Thursday, April 19, 2018


She pulled me in, and turned me around,
Away from the way I once had been:
Enthralled with the world, and soaked in sin.
She brought me to the Church, where I found
Jesus, waiting for my return.

I needed love to merely survive.
But, in order to thrive I need hope!
She, by leading me back to the Lord,
Provided the way for hope to grow;
And I found Jesus Christ—again.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

May I, for You Have

Don’t let sin control my body,
May I only do what’s right.
May I be a tool for You, Lord,
May I do all for Your glory.

You have shown me loving kindness,
For You’ve saved my soul, O Lord.
You have given me Your mercy,
And You have freed me by Your grace,

Monday, March 12, 2018


Sorry I've not written anything new;
Seems I've taken a short hiatus.
For the ice was slippery,
and the back sure was "sore"
(Perhaps "BROKE" would say it much better)

I am praying soon I'll be perfectly fit.
But, indeed, it has become easier
to move myself around,
(to do more than just "SIT").
Though still "BROKE", I'd say I'm MUCH BETTER! 

Friday, February 9, 2018

The Cost

What is the cost of discipleship
What is the cost of following You?
What is the cost of seeking Your word?
What is the cost of Your call?

You’ve already paid the cost, in full;
All was pre-paid by You, on the cross.
O, Jesus, how could I hesitate,

When You have suffered so much?

Friday, January 12, 2018

In Your Silence

Listen to God’s tune;
Seek Him in your silence;
Live in Holy Presence
Of Jesus, the Lord.

Sing all your praises
To God in your silence;
Passionate devotion,
Bedrock of your faith.

When you feel guilty,
Don’t try to pull away.
He aches to hold you close

In unending love.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018


There are TWO new books out!  One, A Call to Arms, was out by December. The other book, Playing Gold's Music , was released shortly after the New year.  (Plus, look for yet another in the coming months, this one titled, Selah, Pause & Reflect). This is SO exciting!

I am thrilled with the treatment each book has received from their respective publisher! 

Please, check them out, via, and, I would LOVE ANYONE to write a review for Amazon on ANY of my books!  And, if you would, send me the review for my website. Many thanks, in advance.
